Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Early Morning Workouts....UGH:)

Today was our first early morning workout. We got up at 5:40 AM and was at the gym by 6:00 and we worked out about 45 minutes. We focused on cardio so Chris and I used the eliptical and I also used the recumbent bike. The bike doesn't really strengthen or tone like the eliptical but it is still burning some calories. I felt really good after the workout and even at 8:00 PM, I am not tired or ready to head to bed. I truly think early morning workouts are best for me because life always seems to get in the way if I wait until the evening to go to the gym. Things constantly pop-up and before I know its 8-9:00 and I am totally not feeling a workout when I really just want to veg for a little while. I tend to be wound tight and I require some relaxing to unwind and prep for sleep. I am not blessed with the ability to lay down and be asleep before my head hits the pillow, like some man that I know;) However, come morning time I am pretty ready to bounce out of bed and get the day started, knowing this means more energy to spend on a workout. As you can tell by the photo, we go to Planet Fitness here in Louisville. It is a pleasant place to go and not overly crowded and I don't feel intimidated or feel like everyone is noticing the chunky chic walking in. They have a great amount of elipticals, treadmills, arc trainers, bikes, workout stations, and weights. I have the more expensive package which allows me to bring unlimited guests, red light therapy and hydro massage. I pay $19.99 a month and I think once I get there on a more regular basis, it will be worth it. I am going to dedicate 2-3 mornings a week and a weekend day to the gym. When at home I use the Wii Fit, Jillian Michael's DVD, and youtube for other workouts, of which we will discuss in future blogs. I weigh in everyday, I think this really keeps my focus and if I have a bad day it shows; which refocuses me. I always weigh in the morning, undressed, and before I eat or drink anything. Our weight can fluctuate as much as 2-3 lbs in a 24 hr time due to the changes in our bodies, such as water retention associated with PMS. If you weigh yourself at the same time everyday you are more likely to see your truest weight. I really enjoy the times I am losing and seeing the Oz melt away. Take this morning for instance, I was 8 Oz less than yesterday and the day before I was 9 Oz less than the day before that. Seeing the numbers drop turns into a game of sorts. But beware, you will have days that the scale moves the opposite direction, use that time to get back into the game and refocus. I am working hard and staying on track as much as I can. I will waiver and have bad days, but that is part of the journey and is what builds us into stronger people. Don't forget to get your Move On!!! Best Wishes and God Bless!

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